Rich Galen and Bob Dilenschneider join Jim Blasingame to share their thoughts on whether we’re safer today from terrorism than we were the day before we were attacked on 9-11-01.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to share his thoughts on what Memorial Day means to him and what it should mean to all Americans.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the shame of sending Americans to die for wars we don’t have the political will to win and hold what these brave Americans paid for.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what the next president will have to deal with in terms of war, threats and controversies.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on their Thanksgiving Days as children and what it’s meant to their lives.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on recent terrorist attacks on Paris, and how it could have been prevented with better leadership, especially from President Obama.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his new book, “Fifty Plus” which reveals how the workplace and marketplace rules have and are changing for Baby Boomers.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to remember what we were doing that fateful morning of Sept 11, 2001, when America was attacked by hateful murderers in the name of Islam.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on what has transpired since Sept 11, 2001, and whether we’re any better prepared to prevent another attack.
Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to offer his thoughts on which of the two parties’ candidates would be the best next president to keep America safe from terror attacks.