America is a very special place and Americans are exceptional people. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and the exceptionalism of America and Americans.
The E.U. is playing a cautionary tale movie that America should be watching. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the European Union's reality that Americans should be watching as the movie of our future if we don't change.
Where will the leaders come from who will save the world? Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what kind of leadership America and the world needs to solve our 21st century challenges.
Why was Obama’s jobs speech such an embarrassment? Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how he feels President Obama's jobs speech is an embarrassment to his office and for the country.
The only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame with reflections on 9/11 first responders, the continuing threat of terrorism, and the NYC commemoration.
The elimination of Osama bin Laden demonstrated the resolve of the United States. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the killing of Osama bin Laden, and what it says to the world about the commitment and capability of Americans.
What has happened to civility in America? Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the Civility in America lecture series and why we need to return to civility to move the U.S. forward.
Politicians continue to give lip service to small businesses. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges small businesses are facing in trying to survive the recovery, including fuel costs and lack of support from government leaders.
Don't forget the troops on this Thanksgiving holiday. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to give thanks and pay tribute to those, past and present, who answered the call of their nation and put themselves in harm's way to preserve our freedom.
With all of the need, how can one person make a difference? Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how a single, random act of kindness each day by each one of us can actually make the world a better place.