Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to encourage helping your team think beyond what they see in front of them, even if everyone thinks the ideas are crazy.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to propose the idea that a great way to create your next big idea is to get yourself into a counter-intuitive setting, or frame of mind.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the best big ideas are discovered when the subject isn’t yet in its prettiest state.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how some of the great ideas began accidentally when someone saw an “idea hook” without expecting it.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that in order to come up with big ideas that keep your company relevant, you have to ask, and train your people to ask, specific questions about how to get better.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the best innovation leader in your business might not be you, the founder. It might be one of your employees who is organized and capable to right-brain thinking.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to introduce the idea that is the theme for his new book: How to get your next big idea developed in three weeks.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that having many little innovative ideas is often the incubator for your next big idea.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of sharing ideas when talking with customers, instead of trying to sell them something.
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to focus less on the sale and more on becoming an idea partner with your customers, which will help establish you as an asset to your clients.