Are your resources aligned with your strategy? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the importance of reviewing internal projects to ensure they are aligned with your mid and long-term company direction.
Are you budgeting time for strategic thinking? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame with tips to audit your business to determine if you're budgeting the right ratio between execution and strategic thinking.
Schedule priorities, not prioritize your schedule. Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the importance of long-term strategy when planning internal projects, plus tips to help you keep strategy planning on your mind.
How is strategy different from operating competitively, and why should you care? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to say that just being competitive is reacting, while strategic thinking is proactive. Both are necessary for success.
How can you position your business to execute strategic thinking? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why operational success can be sustained only if you've developed the strategy that makes effective operating practices possible, like a plan to hire the right people.
How do you avoid letting the urgent overcome the important? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to at least reduce, if not eliminate, crisis management by having a strategy that helps you avoid letting the urgent become the enemy of the important.
How do you avoid letting the urgent overcome the important? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to at least reduce, if not eliminate, crisis management by having a strategy that helps you avoid letting the urgent become the enemy of the important.
How do we transition our teams from survival mode to finding opportunity? Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to identify how to select certain people who will be responsible for identifying new opportunities and bringing them back to the team.
There are four kinds of leadership development, according to Gary Harpst, who joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the way each one allows your small business to grow in a more sophisticated and therefore, more successful way.
One of the key traits of a true leader is the ability to train and encourage others to be leaders. Gary Harpst and Jim Blasingame talk about how to make individual workers more responsible and to become "self leaders."