"Must this be done in-house?" Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why outsourcing anything that is not a core competency is one of the most important small business best practices.
How bad is unemployment in America right now? Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the amount of people unemployed since the recession began and the cyclical and structural unemployment issues.
There are jobs available for the qualified. Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that jobs are available for those who have acquired the skills needed for the 21st century.
Many small business jobs come from big business customers. Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to report how big businesses leveraging their business model with small business contracts.
Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the tax issues for small businesses, plus some year-end planning tips, including the Sec. 179 deduction for capital expenditures.
Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the tax advantages of writing off excess inventory and uncollectable receivables , plus the benefits of a SEPP employee retirement plan.
Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about tax deductions for start-up expenses, the tax advantages for investments into small businesses, plus enhanced charitable deductions.
What is keeping small businesses from hiring? Gene Marks talks with Jim Blasingame about several reasons why small businesses are delaying their plans to put workers back on payroll, including uncertainty about public policy issues, such as health care reform, and others.
What is keeping small businesses from hiring? Gene Marks talks with Jim Blasingame about several reasons why small businesses are delaying their plans to put workers back on payroll, including uncertainty about public policy issues, such as health care reform, and others.
Small businesses are the last to lay off workers, because of the job requirements and the closeness of the relationships. Gene Marks joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the nature of the relationships between small business owners and their employees, and how this creates opportunity for them.