Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on the great economic progress Latino businesses have made under the Trump administration, and how that will impact the voting of this electoral segment.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the many reasons why right now is the most opportune time for the U.S. to get a trade deal done with China and others.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to launch his new prospecting portal, TLC MatchPoint Procurment which creates a place where small businesses can connect with big business and government prospects.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the irrefutable fact that, warts and all, the U.S. economic system continues to prove that it is the best system in the world, defying all the stupid claims about the wonders of socialism.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on how diverse the Hispanic community in the U.S. is on the immigration issue.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the economic performance in the U.S. is better than in many years, but this president isn’t getting credit because some just don’t like him.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on the brand new agreements between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada that creates a new NAFTA trade deal that's fair to all parties.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the 2020 census is being set up, and whether the Hispanic voter is attracted to President Trump.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on the current state of Main Street economy, and why small businesses are so optimistic about their future.
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on the new policies from the Dept. of Labor that will create association health plans, allowing small businesses to purchase health care products across state lines, the way big business and labor unions have been able to do for decades.