Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the two kinds of facial biometric technology that may be increasingly used for security screening in airports.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss advances in biometric screening, especially facial and thermal imaging, how they may be used in the future, and where they could cross the line between security and invasion of privacy.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to report on the two kinds of thermal imaging – crowd and individual technology – how both work, which is the most effective, and how your rights can be abused by their use.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to share their thoughts on where they were on the morning of Sept 11, 2001, and the impact those events have had on our lives.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to report on the policies and actions of the Clinton administration that effectively contributed to the attacks of September 11, 2001, including Bill Clinton’s own admissions.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to report on the reasons the U.S. is considered safer from another 9-11 type attack, including the current immigration policies.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the actual definition of what is required to qualify for U.S. asylum, and when and where you can legally seek it, which is important considering the invasion of so-called asylum seekers in Mexico.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why most of the so-called asylum seekers in the invasion across Mexico won’t be granted asylum, and why that will good on many levels.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether the way the Trump administration has handled these asylum seekers, versus how Obama handled it for eight years, will probably deter such future efforts.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to make him help her celebrate how Villanova – her alma mater – won the NCAA basketball championship.