Janice Kephart 
Janice Kephart is a founder, managing director (policy) and owner of Identity Strategy Partners and recipient of the 2015 Women in Biometrics Award, one of five women from over 50 nominated (Sept. 2015). She is a former 9/11 Commission counsel responsible for many of the terrorist travel recommendations in the 9/11 Final Report and attending Terrorist Travel monograph.
Ms. Kephart served as a strategic advisor to the DHS Assistant Secretary for Policy where she supported implementation and stakeholder engagement of the 9/11 Commission border recommendations she had co-authored, including those pertaining to terrorist travel and identity assurance.
She is responsible for buzz phrases such as "terrorist travel" and "assuring people are who they say they are” and recommendations including biometric verification of identity and minimum standards for breeder documents, as well as passport requirements for all persons entering the U.S. Her visionary ability to bridge technical advancements with law and policy have resulted in requests to testify before Congress 19 times, as an independent thought leader and policy driver that include biometric exit, passport and driver license security, biometric border solutions, and visa requirements.
She was invited and spoke before the United Nations National Security Council on terrorist travel and has served twice on the Senate Judiciary Committee as Terrorism and Technology counsel and as a 2013 Immigration Reform Special Counsel. She was formerly founder/CEO of a leading trade organization, the Secure Identity & Biometrics Association (SIBA) and Americas Director for international border organization BORDERPOL. She spent five years as national security director at a DC think tank and developed/hosted digital homeland security radio show. Janice has hundreds of appearances in international media.
Ms. Kephart served as a strategic advisor to the DHS Assistant Secretary for Policy where she supported implementation and stakeholder engagement of the 9/11 Commission border recommendations she had co-authored, including those pertaining to terrorist travel and identity assurance.
She is responsible for buzz phrases such as "terrorist travel" and "assuring people are who they say they are” and recommendations including biometric verification of identity and minimum standards for breeder documents, as well as passport requirements for all persons entering the U.S. Her visionary ability to bridge technical advancements with law and policy have resulted in requests to testify before Congress 19 times, as an independent thought leader and policy driver that include biometric exit, passport and driver license security, biometric border solutions, and visa requirements.
She was invited and spoke before the United Nations National Security Council on terrorist travel and has served twice on the Senate Judiciary Committee as Terrorism and Technology counsel and as a 2013 Immigration Reform Special Counsel. She was formerly founder/CEO of a leading trade organization, the Secure Identity & Biometrics Association (SIBA) and Americas Director for international border organization BORDERPOL. She spent five years as national security director at a DC think tank and developed/hosted digital homeland security radio show. Janice has hundreds of appearances in international media.
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Interviews with Janice Kephart»See all
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to report on the two kinds of thermal imaging – crowd and individual technology – how both work, which is the most effective, and how your rights can be abused by their use.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss advances in biometric screening, especially facial and thermal imaging, how they may be used in the future, and where they could cross the line between security and invasion of privacy.
Janice Kephart joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the two kinds of facial biometric technology that may be increasingly used for security screening in airports.