Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the California AB5 law that is an attack on freelancers and the gig economy, and that Biden has said he would impose a similar law across the country if elected president.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the likelihood of a Biden administration resurrecting the joint-employer attacks that were launched under his term with Obama, which would be an assault on the very large franchise sector.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the burgeoning gig economy, and why it’s becoming an increasingly important part of the overall U.S. economy.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the California AB5 law that is an attack on freelancers and the gig economy, and that Biden has said he would impose a similar law across the country if elected president.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the likelihood of a Biden administration resurrecting the joint-employer attacks that were launched under his term with Obama, which would be an assault on the very large franchise sector.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the challenges for hospitality and food service businesses as they’re impacted by the change in societal behavior in response to the coronavirus concerns.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how and whether the government should get involved with help, including in the discussion payroll tax abatement, extending unemployment, etc.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to warn against America making long-term reactions and responses to a coronavirus challenge that could be a short-term challenge.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the challenges for hospitality and food service businesses as they’re impacted by the change in societal behavior in response to the coronavirus concerns.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how and whether the government should get involved with help, including in the discussion payroll tax abatement, extending unemployment, etc.