Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the government messes things up when it tries to impose itself in the complicated tipping economy of restaurants.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on an Obama-era NLRB attack on the franchise industry in an attempt to unionize the sector, and why this must be stopped.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on continued evidence that raising minimum wage has always hurt the people the raise is supposed to help, and that more recent raises still prove this truth.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the reasons why raising minimum wage is less of a political lever than it was before.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the minimum wage debate has evolved to the point where the economic benefit has been debunked, making it a poor political issue for Democrats.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on the many efforts around the country to increase minimum wage, even in the face of evidence that higher minimum wage hurts low wage employees.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the local governments raising minimum wage above the federal level, and how that’s hurt small businesses and any low-skilled employees.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the way some states treat tips for income purposes are hurting employees when there is a local minimum wage increase.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report that after years of failed employment policies, France is trying to end them, while some U.S. politicians are trying to start them here.
Michael Saltsman joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the local governments raising minimum wage above the federal level, and how that’s hurt small businesses and any low-skilled employees.