Pierce Howard

Interviews with Pierce Howard RSS Feed

Is there more than one way to define the "grit" that is required to be a successful entrepreneur? Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to talk about two ways to define grit and why that is important to understand when you're a small business owner.
Manage your people better by understanding their personalities. This is the message from Pierce and Jane Howard as they join Jim Blasingame to discuss and dispel some of the myths about extroverts and introverts.
What role does personality play in how happy you are? Pierce Howard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how an individual's personality will define and why managers need to understand this as they manage different personalities.
What is the key to building a team that can lead as well as execute? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about how personality influences leadership and service tasks, and why every business should pay attention to personality when hiring and assigning.
What do we need to know about personality as we deal making difficult decisions in a bad economy? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about some of the key personality issues to recognize when laying off employees and making other difficult decisions.
How does your personality affect performance when dealing with stressful situations? Pierce and Jane Howard join Jim Blasingame to explain how to deal with stess and anxiety to improve performance and health.
How does personality play a role in the effectivenes of a small business to deal with challenging times? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about how the personality of individual team members does matter.
Does your personality indicate a high need for stability? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about why you should know how stress affects your personality so you know how much of it to take on. And for small business owners, it's critical to determine if the personality of an employee candidate matches with the level of stress they will have in that assignment.
What does your personality have to do with how you enjoy your vacation? Pierce and Jane Howard talk with Jim Blasingame about what you should know about yourself before you plan your vacation activities.
What do you need to know about how your brain works during a business day? Pierce Howard talks with Jim Blasingame about the impact of caffeine, light and sleep have on your productivity.