Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to recommend that your business plan should be updated regularly with a fresh look at the new expectations of your customers.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the customer expectations your market research should look for should include a 360 view, not just those that are products and service.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company used existing customers to do annual market research so they stayed relevant to their customer expectations.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how angel investor groups have grown across the country and what they’re looking for.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the things angel investors look for in a company, including the ability to scale and grow, which are not always the same things.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that being able to defend your business against competition, plus the management team are two important areas angel investors look for.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several benefits your business can accrue when you get good at sales forecasting.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to identify the several elements that make up the fundamentals of forecasting sales as a key part of your business plan.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you want fewer surprises in your business, do a better job of sales forecasting.
Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how small businesses seem to be struggling with transitioning from traditional marketing strategies to the new media approach to marketing.