Marketing Is Easy -- A Small Business Fable

New Business Opens
I am ready. Let the phones ring and the revenue come.
I have completed my Marketing To Do list:
- I have developed a mission statement that is eloquent and succinct.
- I hired a branding expert who developed a stunning logo and brilliant tag line.
- I have business cards and brochures that are vibrant and include my logo, tag line and even my mission statement.
- I have obtained every certification applicable to my ownership status (WBE, MBE, Small, etc.)
- I had a website developed that is colorful and includes exciting graphics, persuasive words, a blog and even videos.
- I have joined two Chambers of Commerce, three networking groups and two lead groups.
- I purchased a blackberry/i-phone and keep it with me so I can be reached by voice, text, email or twitter at any time.
- I am a member of all the major social networks and eight small/niche ones.
Two Months Later
I am waiting. Why aren’t the phones ringing and where is the revenue.
I have completed my new Marketing To Do list:
- I have paid the bill for my new logo, tag line, business cards and brochures.
- I have paid for the development and two months hosting for my website.
- I have paid for my blackberry/i-phone and two months service.
- I have paid for the two Chamber memberships.
- I have shared my mission statement at meetings of the five network groups I joined.
- I have gotten feedback from at least twenty people who told me that my logo is interesting, cool and sophisticated.
- I have attended six networking sessions, paid for the six lunches and handed out my new business card and brochures to at least thirty people.
- I spend an average of two hours a day on social networking sites.
- I have posted four entries to the blog on my website.
- I I have ordered notepads that include my stunning logo and brilliant tag line.
Six Months Later
I am frustrated. The phones are ringing with calls from sales people and there has been a small trickle of revenue.
I have completed another new To Do list, not sure if it’s all Marketing related:
- I have reordered business cards because I gave them all out at networking events.
- I have learned more about my friends, family and some business contacts than I ever wanted to know thanks to the social networking sites.
- I have had four people thank me for the advice I provided in the blog on my website, but none of them offered to hire me.
- I have gained five pounds from the food at networkings meetings and luncheons.
- I have five new friends/acquaintenances who sell/provide the same things I do.
- I have been told three times by my children that I missed their big play because I was emailing from my blackberry/i-phone while sitting in the stands.
Over the last eight years I have seen this type of scenario play out many, many times. Sometimes it goes on for years. Sometimes a business owner will “start over” repeating most of the To Do’s in the first list thinking that they need a new mission statement or logo, a revamped website, fancier brochures or to do more networking. I have found that most of the time the problem is that they are not getting information about their business to the right people – the ones who will actually pay for their products/services. As a matter of fact they often do not know who their customers/clients/prospects are. Or if they are reaching the right people, they are not presenting their business in the most effective manner.
So, based on the questions, concerns and obstacles I have seen and heard in my consulting to and training of Small Business owners I have compiled a list of Marketing To Do’s. In my book 101 Winning Marketing Actions for Small Businesses I provide a workshop in book form. Many of the Actions aid business owners in actually selling their products and services. Others simplify painful - but necessary - activities such as planning, preparation, follow-up and networking. The Actions include explanations, examples, worksheets and resources. A Small Business Owner can make an effective Marketing To Do List using Actions from this book no matter what stage of business they are in.
Revised Marketing Strategy
I am equipped. I will make the phones ring and the revenue come.
I have prepared my new Marketing To Do list:
- I will make certain I know who my real customers/clients are.
- I will know and respect my competition.
- I will be sure my Prospects and Customers/Clients understand what my products/services are.
- I will determine how my products/services meet my Customers/Clients needs because I know that is what is important to them.
- I will develop information on my products/services in a form (or forms) that suit my Prospects.
- I will identify and participate in organizations, sites and events that put me in touch with my real Prospects.
- I will be familiar with and follow the “doing business with” processes of my Prospects and Customers/Clients even if that means registering on numerous websites, getting certifications or filling out multiple forms.
- I will look for opportunities to be a sub-contractor so I can increase my chances.
- I will develop a schedule for Marketing Actions and treat those tasks with the same importance and commitment that I treat customer projects.
- I pledge to revamp and update my Marketing Plan on a regularly basis to insure that I keep my activities and materials relevant.
- I will celebrate my marketing successes (new Customers/Clients, earned revenue, increased list of real Prospects) instead of counting acts (events/meetings attended, business cards given out, website hits, blog feedback).
Janet Christy, President of Leverage & Development, LLC and author, Capitalizing on Being Woman Owned
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