Jim reveals what’s happening where the rubber-meets-the-road for Main Street businesses, and lays out the steps to take advantage of the financial assistance the government is offering during the p...
Last week, Congress passed the CARES Act, which provides for relief to small businesses adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Now, the Fed and the SBA need to offer guidance and ease the ...
America's small businesses are experiencing a global challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic and our government's response. Here are some thoughts to help keep it in perspective.
A small business startup searching for investor capital must have their corn flakes together because the process is more complex than just writing a business plan. Don't make these common mistakes.
It’s true that capitalizing a startup isn’t easy. And even though outside investment sources are more robust and multi-faceted than ever before, the process can be complex. Don't make these mistakes.
Beyond what your small business customers need, there are things they also want. Your success depends on discovering what that is, deliver it, and charge for it.
In the marketplace, a company's special sauce isn't what's on a McDonald's Big Mac. It's a level of performance that manifests beyond standard expectations and is produced by highly engaged employe...
As the CEO of your small business, it's your job to prepare for being impacted by the next Black Swan – whether local or global – and develop a contingency plan. Are you ready?
Abraham Lincoln, like small business owners, was a risk-taker who has inspired generations as an example of courage, character, and diligence to persevere. Read on for more about how his determinat...
Small business customers - like the electorate - have evolving expectations. In the 21st century, politicians and businesses can fall in love with what they do, but not how they do it. Here's why.