Fear and greed, it has been said, are the two primal emotions that have propelled human civilization. Of course, both have their dark side, too.
Naisbitt's Razor - high tech AND high touch - makes it imperative that you blend the sexy digital power of mobile computing, with the compelling humanity of a handshake.
While striving mightily to make a profit, the following facts cause small business owners to regularly ask the proverbial question: “What’s wrong with this picture?”
If you don't like making decisions, small business ownership will not be your cup of tea.
I’ve covered the direct ownership issues and advantages quite a bit recently, but let me remind you of a few key reasons I consider it to be the stealth benefit of business ownership.
When it comes to ethics, the so-called professionals have lots of help. Attorneys, CPAs, doctors, architects, investment professionals, etc., have established and published very specific ethical an...
This is Jim's traditional Labor Day message. He makes the case for a national Small Business Day to honor those who represent over 98% of all U.S. businesses and produce over half of the U.S. $17 t...
These CEO foresight tools will help you track trends for opportunities and disruptions in areas such as: demographics, customer behavior, society, production/supply, politics, technology, and globa...
A qualified prospect has answered enough questions – directly or through research – to allow you to determine that they will likely purchase what you sell from someone in the forecastable future.
The good news is that as your business grows, you can look forward to delegating your off ox work to an employee whose oxen are opposite yours. But as the leader, the small business reality is that...