Frank Sesno
Frank Sesno is the Director of The George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs and the creator and host of Planet Forward. He was formerly CNN's DC bureau chief, as well as anchor, interview host and White House correspondent. He was the long-running host of CNN's Sunday talk show Late Edition, and is now a frequent guest host for CNN's Reliable Sources.
Category: Journalists, Leadership, Ethics, Trust
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Frank Sesno joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of asking the right kinds of question so that the other person wants to answer and gives you information you can use.
Frank Sesno joins Jim Blasingame to talk about our many national institutions – the belief in things we stand for – and how they’re being eroded.
Frank Sesno joins Jim Blasingame to reveal an array of types of questions that can be used at specific times, and applications to improve knowledge and promote better communication.