Mark Schmulen
General Manager of Social Media at Constant Contact. Prior to joining Constant Contact, Mark served as CEO of NutshellMail, a social media monitoring solution that is now part of Constant Contact’s suite of online marketing tools. In 2010 NutshellMail joined the Constant Contact team establishing the Waltham based company’s Bay area presence. Mark is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.
Interviews with Mark Schmulen»See all
Customer expectations determine your social media strategy. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report that more small businesses are using social media because customers increasingly expect to be reached there.
Small businesses are increasingly turning to social media marketing. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growth of social media marketing among small businesses who are taking advantage of customer community-building platforms.
Social media is a effective customer relationship tool and should be in your marketing mix. Mark Schmulen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why social media should be in your marketing toolbox and shares a tool that can not only organize your social media activity, but also help you communicate quickly and efficiently.