Edward Kopf

Interviews with Edward Kopf RSS Feed

Subordinate your ego and find excellence. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how your organization can grow and operate with excellence when the leadership doesn't let egos get in the way.
It's difficult to find excellence if you cannot delegate. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the benefits that you can achieve when you learn how to delegate, including achieving excellence.
Sharing control and accomplishing excellence is not easy. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to talk about examples of how people work together and seek excellence in spite of their egos.
Subordinate your ego and find excellence. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how your organization can grow and operate with excellence when the leadership doesn't let egos get in the way.
It's difficult to find excellence if you cannot delegate. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the benefits that you can achieve when you learn how to delegate, including achieving excellence.
Are you mindful as a negotiator? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of mindfulness as a negotiation and management practice, and how it can help you get better management and negotiating results.
How intentional are you at controlling your emotions in business? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to be intentional and mindful when faced with a negotiation, so you don't let emotions cost you an opportunity.
Do you "have a word with yourself" before important events? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to explain how to use self-talk and mindfulness to get into an appropriate frame of mind before a negotiation or other important interaction.
How much are your decisions guided by impressions and intuition? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to recommend way to incorporate your instincts and deliberation together in important decisions.
How much do you try to justify a management decision? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the problems with decisions you have to justify, and why a small business CEO needs a board of advisors of business peers.