How much are you including employees in decision-making? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to explain why the eyes, ears and experience of employees can be extremely valuable to your managment decision-making process.
Using stories to sell your products or services is the opposite of manipulation. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of using stories to sell your products or services and make customers feel a part of your story.
Don't let negative stories hurt a business relationship. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how allowing the wrong kind of stories to get started and perpetuate can be detrimental to a business.
Make sure the stories you tell yourself are true. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to encourage us to make sure the stories we believe about ourselves, including the ones we tell ourselves, are true and focused on the positive.
Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the history of pragmatism of the people of the Baltic States and their exciting move toward capitalism.
If your business partner does something you disagree with, do you take it personally? Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why partners must maintain open communication to avoid bad feelings and misinformation.
“Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to explain that if you feel you’ve been wronged by your business partner, it’s up to you to discuss it face-to-face.
Teamwork comes naturally to Generation Y, but what about partnerships. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Generation Y teamwork success may be tested when they form entrepreneurial partnerships.
Negotiating to form a partnership is different. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the complex negotiations of forming a partnership and why that process is different from a transactional negotiation.
A partnership is about being better together than alone. Ed Kopf joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why forming a partnership is not about winners and losers, but is whether the parties are compatible.