If Internet browsers are free, why would there be browser wars? Jim Blasingame reports on a recent Small Business Advocate poll on browser use, including a little history, a war, who won and why you should you care.
Are you ready to be promoted from manager to leader? Jim Blasingame talks about why every small business owner must find a way to stop managing in the trenches and start leading with vision.
Could the U.S. credit rating downgrade be a good thing? Jim Blasingame talks about the domestic and global issues behind the stagnant economy and the irony around the S&P downgrade and the Tea Party philosophy.
Only pro-growth policies will solve America's economic problems. Jim Blasingame offers President Obama some advice about abandoning his anti-business rhetoric in favor of pro-growth policies.
Obama needs to focus more on what makes America great. Jim Blasingame petitions President Obama to appeal to the better angels of our nature, and focus more on America's economic dynamism where everyone has the ability to keep what they create.
The “full faith and credit” of the U.S. is in peril. Jim Blasingame discusses the possible downgrading of the U.S. credit rating and the game of chicken currently being played out in Washington with our future.
Your future success depends upon building online customer communities. Jim Blasingame talks about online community-building practices and tools, including social media and website, plus the future of creating your own community platform.
How confident are small businesses about the economy? Jim Blasingame reveals the results of last week’s Small Business Advocate poll on the small business economy, including three levels of recovery response.
When do you change the DNA of your business from sole proprietor to a legal entity? Jim Blasingame discusses the reasons to form a corporation or LLC, and the triggers that should help you decide when to take action.
Are you asking customers how they prefer to be contacted? Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a Small Business Advocate poll which how we prefer a business connect with us electronically and discusses how these preferences will evolve.