Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

Jim Blasingame reports on the origins of Veterans Day as it changed from Armistice Day and a poignant and practical way to define a veteran.
Jim Blasingame talks about the commitment our veterans made to us, and why failing to return that commitment in the form of support is a national shame.
Jim Blasingame reveals how the expectations of customers have evolved to the point where the new prime expectation is no longer competitiveness, but relevance.
Jim Blasingame reports on a recent online survey of small business owners that showed 75% were less than positive about the near future economy, and to reveal why the current condition belongs to President Obama.
Jim Blasingame reveals some of the reasons why Congress’s new Twitter hashtag should be #WITHOUTANYSENSEOFSHAME.
Jim Blasingame to report on a recent online poll that reveals the four things small businesses think are holding back the economy, with the big reason being anti-business policies from Washington.
Jim Blasingame explains how the Federal Reserve Board works, how it is regarded internationally and what it tries to accomplish.
Jim Blasingame reveals how the Fed’s QE monetary policies have created collateral damage out of the main Street economy, and small businesses.
Jim Blasingame reveals the problems that were created by the Fed’s monetary policies which cause Wall Street to operate its business without investing in the Main Street economy.
Jim Blasingame to reveal why the forces in The Age of the Customer are impacting your business whether you accept that reality or not.