Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the current selection process for the Democrats is likely to become a fight between Bloomberg and Sanders, but won’t wind up with those two on the same ticket.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the Democrats are not happy today, because of the Iowa caucus catastrophe, and the fact that their putative front-runner is an avowed socialist.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the history of NATO, how it’s working today, how Trump regards it, and whether it will be in existence a decade from now.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current field of presidential contenders on the Democratic side, and predict that not only could Biden be the nominee, but is the best one to beat Trump.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the uprising by Iranians against the current regime, what the success of such a revolt could mean for the rest of the world, and whether the U.S. should get involved.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to reflect and remember what Labor Day meant during the time when there was still a labor movement in the U.S.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the truth about why we have an Electoral College and two senators per state, why both are still valid and imperative to America, and what it would take to change those elements.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the current group of Democrat presidential candidates espousing more socialism aren’t addressing how their system would create jobs.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame on the 75th anniversary of D-Day, to celebrate devotion and sacrifice of those who participated in Operation Overlord and helped save western civilization.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to share their stories of Memorial Days past and the emotions that may surprise you when you visit a veterans cemetery or memorial.