Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on just a few of the ways that Hillary Clinton, and the Obama administration, have gone beyond the pale on corruption and cronyism.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to share his reasons for why he thinks Trump will not be a good president, even if he knows Hillary Clinton is the alternative.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to compare notes on how well the Democrats are doing with their National Convention, especially compared the last week’s GOP event.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to discuss whether there will be any significant damage to Clinton’s candidacy from disgruntled Bernie Sanders voters, plus whether Virginia is in play.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to discuss the importance of Ohio to both candidates, and why Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t make nice with Ohio’s Governor Kasich.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to compare notes on the first three days of the 2016 Republican Convention, and whether it was going to accomplish what Trump needs.
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to compare notes on whether the tone of the speeches at the 2016 Republican Convention was too aggressive.
Bill Brandt and Rich Galen to compare notes on what Trump has to say in his acceptance speech in order to get the most bang for the buck from the convention.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what July 4th means to them, including being on a military base during an Independence Day past.
Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the current direction of the United States and compare it to times in the past when we were divided.