Is the Democrat’s campaign strategy looking like desperation? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the mid-term elections with an historic perspective, plus whether the Dems are becoming desperate and the GOP is losing touch.
How will the mid-term Congressional elections turn out? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to predict the Republicans will pick up 50 seats to take control of the House and nine in the Senate, to split that house down the middle. Plus, Galen says the GOP will win more governorships.
Will the Tea Party upset the political class status quo? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent Tea Party primary gains and how this movement is impacting both Republicans and Democrats.
Is the Small Business Bill necessary? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether the so called "Small Business Bill" is good policy. The also talk about the dangers of having a high percentage of Americans receiving government checks.
Connecting the Founders to contemporary leaders, Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate America's Independence Day by discussing statesmanship, past and present.
Discussing recent primary and election results across the U.S., Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what the results of various primary and special elections mean for both political parties this year, plus the influence of the Tea Party.
The futile quest for financial reform through legislation is underway and Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to report on the ugly politics that will likely result in passing a law that will do more harm than good.
The health care reform bill is law: What now? Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to ponder what will be the economic and political realities as the new bill is promulgated and executed across the American society and marketplace.
Will the meeting between President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties be a bi-partisan health care summit where common ground is found, or a political trap set for the Republicans. Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to discuss this and agree that the Democrats are the better team at the game of politics.
Reporting on the recent presidential election in Ukraine, Rich Galen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his trip to the Ukraine as a member of the Official Observers' Mission to observe the election process.