Steve Chandler

Interviews with Steve Chandler RSS Feed

Steve joins Jim with his new book to discuss the difference between setting goals in life and being committed to our goals.
Jim and Steve discuss making transitions in your management style without creating a casualty list.
Jim and Steve talk about how to motivate others in your small business.
Jim and Steve talk about how to get your attitude right in order to be successful.
Steve joins Jim to continue sharing 50 powerful ideas to improve your sales.
Jim and Steve talk about some of the 50 powerful ideas to improve your sales.
Steve and Jim talk about Steve's new book, The Joy of Selling. They discuss what inspired Steve to write the book. They go on to talk about how to treat your customers.
Steve joins Jim to talk about the importance of discipline and responsibility in the success of our lives and our businesses. Steve and Jim discuss how valuable a good attitude is in your quest for success, which leads them to a discussion of how to deal with change.
Steve talks with Jim about how to motivate ourselves to grow as individuals, nurture our self-esteem and spirit, and leave our comfort zone.
Steve joins Jim to talk about how to reinvent yourself, including Steve's example of how he turned his life around. They focus on the fact that most of the keys to our success is within us, not somewhere else, and not controlled by someone else. Jim makes sure that Steve's suggestions are grounded in the reality of the challenges we face in our small business world. Steve's visits are always powerful.