Thursday, May 20, 2021
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to wrap up their 22 years together and discuss how teleworking and home-based businesses have evolved since they each began theirs in 1989.
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the way working from home has become normalized thanks to technological innovations, especially ubiquitous broadband internet.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of success in terms that don’t just focus on money and stuff.
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss balancing the financial goals of your success equation with the impact you have on humanity – did you make a difference?
Steve Martin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the role that cash management and earning and retaining profits is essential to your short and long-term success in business.
Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to report on the extreme leftward approach to healthcare by the Biden administration, which is in the direction of unlimited Obamacare subsidies.
Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to compare the heroic acts of the private sector healthcare industry and why this example proves we need less government managing our health care.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how trust is more than just the right thing to do, it’s a business best practice, and how to make that happen in your relationships.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that acting like a victim hinders the foundation of trust, and focusing on solving problems, not wallowing in them, is the key to leveraging the power of trust.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenge of the current generation to install trust in digital leverage, as we increasingly leave the analog world – and analog trust -- behind.