New Research on What Makes Employees Happy

For decades, survey after survey has revealed the most important employee issues regarding their job, or why they left their last job. Initially, the findings were shocking because the most important thing was their relationship with management, especially how they were appreciated by the company.
"Stop the presses!" you say. "You mean to tell me that the most important thing to an employee is not compensation? Not money?" you exclaim.
That's correct. And here's more shocking news: In every subsequent survey I've seen in the intervening years, money has never even been one the top three issues - until now.
A brand new survey, conducted by my friend, Chuck Martin, president of NFI Research, reveals that, perhaps for the first time ever, compensation topped the list of things most important to employees. But the big news is why. I think the answer is fear.
The sudden collapse of the global economy beginning in Q4 2007 has created more workplace fear than anyone has seen since the Great Depression. And as if that weren't enough, the way many corporate managers and politicians have reacted - and over-reacted - has poured fuel onto the fear fire.
When a manager or employee is afraid to propose a new idea or take a risk for fear of losing his or her job, creativity and innovation become collateral damage. Without creativity there can be no optimism. And without optimism the spirit is wounded, trust weakens and relationships break down.
In this kind of environment - where relationships up and down the organization chart are questioned - the historically reported job fulfillment feelings give way to survival. If you can't find fulfillment in how your boss appreciates you, the default fulfillment source becomes money.
There is some good news for small business in this recent NFI Research survey. It also revealed that 71% of respondents would rather work for a small or medium sized company than a large organization. As fear abates with economic recovery, there is opportunity for small businesses to take advantage of this change in attitudes. There has never been a better time for small businesses to recruit top talent looking for a less fearful environment.
Small business owners are pathological optimists. Consequently, we're less likely to have fearful work environments. As you interview prospective employees, demonstrate that creativity and relationships are alive and well in your company and that fear is not part of your management style or business plan.
Write this on a rock... Small businesses are fearless, not fearful.
Jim Blasingame is creator and host of the Small Business Advocate Show.
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