Articles by Jim Blasingame Article Category RSS Feed

Jim Blasingame
On Memorial Day, amidst picnics and other gatherings, we honor all who paid the ultimate price in service to this country – including small business owners and employees – in defense of our freedom... » More
Jim Blasingame
Thanksgiving in America celebrates one of the great moments in the annals of serendipity: Squanto and the Mayflower pilgrims working together to become a critical part of the foundation of the most... » More
Jim Blasingame
Thank you to ALL who swore the military oath, served honorably, and made themselves available to a grateful nation. Happy Veterans Day! » More
Jim Blasingame
Smart small business owners understand the direct link between motivating employees to be successful in their assignments and the success of the business. Here are six motivational best practices. » More
Jim Blasingame
With the increasing global instability and society running off the rails, people of faith wonder whether it may not be a matter of if, but when the "sorting out" will be taken out of the hands of h... » More
Jim Blasingame
In the last of a three-part series covering The Five Financial Mysteries of running a small business, you'll learn about the relationship between vendors and customers, and why profit is important,... » More
Jim Blasingame
In the second installment of the Five Financial Mysteries for Small Businesses, Jim explains how you can be profitable and not be cash-positive, and why cash in hand isn’t profit you can spend. » More
Jim Blasingame
Do you know the difference between cash flow and accounting? Hint: Cash and profit are not the same. Avoid becoming a business mortality statistic by becoming an expert on the relationship between ... » More
Jim Blasingame
With a GDP of $25 trillion, a national debt of $33 trillion and growing, political in-fighting, and our national representatives not doing the job for which they were elected, Jim posed this questi... » More
Jim Blasingame
In response to a recent poll question on the younger generations' ability to take possession of and manage America's business, Jim comments that there is hope. » More