On To Next Year

It’s hard to believe that a New Year is here again, it just seems like time goes by faster and faster. As you know, there are many traditions that go along with the passing of another year. The biggest of those traditions is New Year’s Resolutions. People always want to know if you have any resolutions for the New Year, and are often anxious to share theirs with you as well.
Every New Year represents a new beginning and a chance to evaluate what is working and what you may need to improve upon. While it is important to do this type of evaluation throughout the year, the beginning of the year offers a unique opportunity to take stock of everything. This serves many purposes, but two in particular come to mind. One of the advantages to doing this is that it allows you to examine and make decisions based upon information from the previous year. How did I compare to the company average in various categories? What are the strengths and weaknesses, and where do I need to work to improve? This can go a long way in helping you to plan for the upcoming year. The second advantage in evaluating your year is it will help you to set your goals for the coming year. As we know, goals are so important in the field of sales and setting goals at the first of the year is always a good idea.
Your goals for the upcoming year should reflect the success that you experienced in the previous year(s). They should be set at three levels. 1) Minimum, 2) Goal, and 3) Stretch goal. Another advantage to taking the time to step back and look at the past year is it allows you to enjoy all of the success that you had throughout the year.
There are many uncertainties as we head into 2008, but I know a couple of things are true and will remain true. One: People want to buy from their friends and those that they have a relationship with, and 2: The more knowledge you possess, the more successful you will be. Make your New Years resolution to develop more relationships and to focus on education, training, and knowledge in 2008. Don’t just hope 2008 is great – Make it happen!
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