Robert Gordman 
Robert Gordman is President of The Gordman Group and the author of The Must-Have Customer: 7 Steps to Winning the Customer You Haven’t Got. The Gordman Group team consists of seasoned business executives with track records of success. This consulting practice shows companies how to achieve sustained, profitable growth.
For over 20 years Bob held executive management positions in various companies, including President of a regional mid-line department store chain. During the past 16 years as a consultant, he has provided services to clients in many industries such as computer manufacturing and distribution, retail, direct marketing, weight loss, appliance manufacturing, advertising, trucking and banking. He also spent five years as Senior Consulting Partner for the Gallup Organization, specializing in strategic planning.
In 1989 Bob was inducted into the Gallup Organization Management Hall of Fame.
Bob’s book, The Must Have Customer is in its second printing and has been translated into Chinese, Indonesian and Polish.
For over 20 years Bob held executive management positions in various companies, including President of a regional mid-line department store chain. During the past 16 years as a consultant, he has provided services to clients in many industries such as computer manufacturing and distribution, retail, direct marketing, weight loss, appliance manufacturing, advertising, trucking and banking. He also spent five years as Senior Consulting Partner for the Gallup Organization, specializing in strategic planning.
In 1989 Bob was inducted into the Gallup Organization Management Hall of Fame.
Bob’s book, The Must Have Customer is in its second printing and has been translated into Chinese, Indonesian and Polish.
Category: Customer Care
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Interviews with Robert Gordman»See all
With the May Trending Report for retail activity, Bob Gordman joins Jim Blasingame discuss the how retail is recovering from the recession. They also talk about why discounting without a strategy for sustained sales is dumb.
One of the best ways to stay on top of things is to recognize that there are things that you don't know and ask for help. Robert Gordman talks with Jim Blasingame about examples of where leaders failed because they thought they had all the answers.
What can small businesses learn from the results of a retail customer survey? Robert Gordman joins Jim Blasingame to report on a recent retail survey and what can be learned about what customers want.