Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

Are you maximizing outsourcing opportunities? Jim Blasingame reveals how small businesses can squeeze that last drop of operating efficiency out through the power of outsourcing non-core competency tasks, especially those that don't touch customers.
What's the single most important thing for start-up success? Jim Blasingame reveals that regardless of industry of background, the key to success in a start-up is having enough capital until there is sufficient cash flow from customers.
Want to acquire a ready-made business? Jim Blasingame reveals some of the issues around acquiring a franchise business as well as an existing business, including the role that capital plays in the success of either.
Time is not on the side of small businesses. Jim Blasingame reveals the three clocks of small business and offers suggestions on how to manage them and how to get them to work together.
Do small business owners take advantage of the income tax filing extension. Jim Blasingame reports on a recent poll of how small business owners take advantage of the tax filing extension and whether you should use it.
Regulating community banks like big banks is a mistake. Jim Blasingame explains the problems created for small businesses and the economy when community banks are regulated by the government as if they were little big banks.
How many small business owners arm themselves in their offices? Jim Blasingame reports that over half of small business owners are armed in their businesses and many others are considering it, plus his thoughts on the gun control debate.
Are you aware of all of the privileges of business ownership? Jim Blasingame talks about several of the privileges of owning a small business, including tongue-in-cheek examples, as well as real financial benefits.
What happens when you make a small business bank loan? Jim Blasingame offers advice on what happens when you get a bank loan for your small business, plus the significant advantages of owning the real estate your business operates in.
What is the single greatest factor in your success or failure? Jim Blasingame reveals why the most important piece of real estate that factors in your success or failure in life or business is the 5 inches between your ears, and how to manage that fact.