Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why tactics cannot be confused with strategy, and why every part of your organization must increasingly focus on the company’s TRUE outcome.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while each division of your business has its own outcome goal, they all must reconcile to serve the business’s ultimate outcome, which is to serve the customer.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the reasons that division and addition can add value to your leadership strategy, by bringing in ideas from all quarters of your organization.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the best practices of teaching your people how to become more critical thinkers as they help you solve problems and take advantage of opportunities.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the highest performing organizations are the ones that use incremental leadership, meaning not a one-size-fits-all approach to managing individuals.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to offer tips and best practices on how to make sure that your best team members don’t get lured away with promises that you should be fulfilling right now.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the leadership practices that will achieve unity within your company, including fostering the development of other leaders.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges of achieving and maintaining unity of effort with your team as the workplace increasingly becomes more populated with remote workers.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to think about becoming more effective as an organization by organizing into problem solving task forces, instead of committees.
Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to convert your teams and committees into task forces with the expectation of making specific operational improvements as their goals.