Rich and Jim talk about what it's like inside the Washington Beltway with Congress out of session. They go on to discuss the Judge John Roberts nomination to the Supreme Court, the economy from a political angle, and the impending Iraqi constitution.
Rich and Jim talk about the First Amendment controversy that's brewing concerning a reporter's ability to protect their confidential sources. They move on to talk aobut the Supreme Court selection process.
Rich joins Jim to reflect on what the 4th of July means to him and to the world. They go on to discuss a couple of current political events.
Jim and Rich discuss the SBA's
<br>Small Business Expo in Washington, D.C. They also talk about current political issues such as Social Security Reform and the new energy bill President Bush is pushing.</["br"]>
Rich and Jim talk about some current political issues, such as progress in Iraq, the Bolton nomination as Ambassador to the U.N., and the ethics investigation of Congressman Tom Delay.
Rich and Jim discuss why the Federal government has insinuated itself into two separate issues: the baseball steroids debate, and the Teri Schiavo case.
Rich and Jim talk about some for the different between Americas in interest in spreading freedom throughout the world and Europe’s desire merely for stability. They go on to discuss early legislative success by Pres. Bush in the first months of his 2nd term.
Rich joins Jim to discuss several of the initiatives of President Bush’s 2005 State of the Union speech.
Richard joins Jim after returning from Asia to talk about the aftermath of the tsunami in India and Sri Lanka and the current clean up effort.
Richard joins Jim to talk about his experience in Iraq and the issues happening there now.