Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how a very small element in your organization can have a significant impact, good or bad, on the direction of a project or your business.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why having both support and resistance for an idea can be the perfect balance, if they’re managed properly.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that Honda has been has had 60 years of sustained success because managers are required to be directly involved in all elements of their assignments.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that Honda’s success was partially because their R&D department stayed involved all the way down the production line.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the founder of Honda encouraged strong disagreement as a way of creating excellence.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the non-negotiable, classic, fundamental thing to do after the customer says, “I’ll take it,” and what happens if you don’t.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal tips and best sales practices on how to get the golden information out of a prospects head, including how to ask questions and then shut up.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how much more we can learn if we just shut up and listen, especially when we’re selling.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal a different kind of energy bar that we have to be aware of when affecting change in our organizations.
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how our customers are often on a different energy level regarding our ideas than we are, and how to reconcile the two.