We could not do without Steve Martin! He's one of our most valuable and versatile small business resources. During this visit, Steve and Jim talk about the inevitability of change: How it affects us, how we resist it, how we deal with it. Steve says we are encountering more change right now in our lives than any other previous generation. As always, Steve has some excellent tips to help us deal with and embrace change successfully.
Jim welcomes Steve back to the show as they discuss the importance of mid-year reviews for your business, the components, and how to conduct them. Mid-year reviews, or interim reviews, as they can also be called, help you check your position with regard to your annual goals and objectives. You do have goals and objectives, don't you?
Jim and Steve discuss 10 steps for managing inventory costs.
Jim and Steve discuss the real cost of inventory and inventory management best practices.
Steve talks with Jim about the importance and fundamentals of networking to grow your small business, and the concept of Givers Gain.
Jim and Steve discuss tips, tools, and fundamentals of problem prevention and problem solving.
Steve talks with Jim about how to manage the elements of a cost effective organization (CEO), specifically, financial, material, space, time, and several other elements.
Steve and Jim talk about how to manage risk in the life of your small business, and how to employ productively as you follow your dream. They discuss how to recognize whether you are risk averse or a risk taker, and how to deal with either answer.
Steve talks with Jim about something he calls "Painless Planning". Not just for business planning, this is a way to use planning for any kind of project. They focus on three primary steps: 1) Establishing measurable goals. 2) Establish milestones, 3) Allocate the necessary resources. Steve and Jim show you how to make project planning really painless, whether it be planning a vacation, or a new business direction.
Steve continues the series with Jim on installing a Cost Reduction process in your small business. Steve introduces a list of 14 questions to ask yourself in preparation to begin this process. This process will help you put more on the bottom line of your Income Statement. This may be the best 30 minute investment you've made lately.