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Category: 3rd Ingredient®

Joel Libava
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the “3 Ps” of franchising, including partnership, power, and profitability.
Jessica Melugin
Jessica Melugin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss control options to tech power, which doesn’t include government regulatory answers.
Jessica Melugin
Jessica Melugin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how far we should allow the tech giants to extend their digital leverage as market activity as well as acquisitions, and who should decide if they’re going too far.
Jessica Melugin
Jessica Melugin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether the new digital leverage is something we should be extraordinarily concerned about in the hands of major corporations.
Gary Sirak
Gary Sirak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some examples of the compromising condition of the American Dream, including whether the younger generations even have the inclination to dream that way.
Sarah Sladek
Sarah Sladek joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the management practices that can be used when leading (raising) the younger generation of workers.
Cheryl  Strauss Einhorn
Cheryl Strauss Einhorn joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to conduct the financial due diligence when you’re buying a business by using her AREA method.
Dusty  Staub
Dusty Staub joins Jim Blasingame to report on his recent trip to work with business leaders in Cork, Ireland, and how they’re handling the global economy and the Brexit issue.
Shiv Singh
Shiv Singh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the role of trust in our life and work, and how to reinstall our analog version of it in our digital lives.
Shiv Singh
Shiv Singh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what has caused the Post Trust Era, the associated perils therein, and how we recover from it as we continue into the Digital Age.

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