Category: Economy: Nation, Global
Businesses have a responsibility to protect the free market economy. Joseph Bower joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why business, big and small, must realize they are responsible for the future success of capitalism.
The Obama Administration is not business-friendly. Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the words and actions of the Obama administration creates a negative economic outlook for small businesses.
The biggest negatives in the economy are still the two "Hs": housing and hiring. NFIB’s Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report on which is the chicken and which is the egg, hiring or housing, and what it will take to get either one going again.
Are small business owners optimistic about the economy? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report the NFIB Optimism Index indicates America is in the worst post-recession recovery in over 40 years and small business owners don't like it.
Why are small business owners turning thumbs down on Obama's jobs bill? Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the why small business owners don't like Obama's focus on certain kinds of jobs at the expense of all others.
Small businesses are afraid of what ObamaCare will cost them. Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss U.S. Chamber Survey results showing why small business owners are worried about the cost of ObamaCare.
Why are so many small business owners so negative about the economy? Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the U.S. Chamber’s Small Business Survey showing small business owners think the economy is on the wrong track.
America needs leadership in long-term vision and sustainable systems. Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why we have to promote, value and encourage leadership both in our businesses and in Washington.
What can we learn from the Great Recession? Steven Little joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether business and political leaders we've learned anything in the past three years.
How would the U.S. benefit from returning to the gold standard for its currency? Chuck Kadlec joins Jim Blasingame to explain how returning to the gold standard for the dollar would work and how America would benefit.
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