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Category: Entrepreneurship

Charles Collins
Charles Collins joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why we’re seeing more snoring and sleep apnea problems and how Dr. Keith Thompson turned inventor/entrepreneur to solve this medical challenge and create a great company in the process.
Steve DelBianco
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report that in spite of years of efforts, it looks like the forces behind an Internet sales tax will become a reality soon.
Mitzi Perdue
Mitzi Perdue joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power that fear of rejection can have over you, how it may be holding you back, and how to deal with it.
Mitzi Perdue
Mitzi Perdue joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how one person’s abiding fear of failure prevented him from following his dream.
Tom Asacker
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the illuminating power of your mistakes, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to make them.
Lennox Cornwall
Lennox Cornwall joins Jim Blasingame to reveal reasons why successful entrepreneurs are comfortable with the concept of failure as it is the harnessmate of success.
Lennox Cornwall
Lennox Cornwall joins Jim Blasingame to share his story on how he reinvented himself from corporate exec to entrepreneur and what he learned along the way.
Tom Borg
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal mistakes small business owners make, including staying away from their businesses for no reasons.
Robert Levin
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to report on one particularly tough day in his entrepreneurial career and what he learned from it.
Robert Levin
Rob Levin joins Jim Blasingame to report on the successful evolution of his business by continuing to focus on filling niche requirements of customers.

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