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Category: Entrepreneurship

Guy Sorman
A new magazine focused on natives of France living in the U.S. Guy Sorman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal his plans to launch a print magazine that serves the 500,000 French natives living in the U.S.
Paul Berry
This social media entrepreneur is a leader, not a follower. Paul Berry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how his company,, is a social media platform that has a different business model from the others.
Paul Berry
Social media is big and most businesses need to get a handle on theirs. Paul Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that his company,, helps businesses aggregate their social media content so it has a greater impact.
Paul Berry
Don't miss this entrepreneurial story. Paul Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the origins of his entrepreneurial desire, his journey in the trenches, and how he founded his Internet start-up.
John Harrison
John Harrison joins Jim Blasingame to explain that an adviser provides something that you'll realize in the future and you have to think in the long-term in your relationship with an adviser.
John Harrison
John Harrison joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you should find out what kind of clients your adviser prefers to work with and why to ensure that you can get the most from the relationship.
Alan C. Fox
Alan Fox joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you can't let the desire to do things perfectly keep you from doing them at all, plus why you should strive for excellence, not perfection.
Alan C. Fox
Alan Fox joins Jim Blasingame to discuss people tools and why you must know yourself before you can work well with others, plus why you should have a nonversation.
Kathy Perry
Should online travel sites be nervous about Google's plans? Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal news about Google's plans to aggregate airline flight information and give back commissions to the airlines.
Joel Barker
Another breakthrough in nanotechnology. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal new breakthroughs in nanotechnology that gives strength to nanobots you swallow and are controlled to do various medical tasks in your body.

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