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Category: Entrepreneurship

Doug Tatum
Where will small business capital come from in the future? Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to predict the various sources of capital that will likely be available to small business in the future, including how current sources will change.
Doug Tatum
Is a private equity transaction in your future? Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to report on the private equity industry as it relates to small business and to address what this sector will look like in the future.
Doug Tatum
Where will small business capital come from in the future? Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the capital marketplace is changing and where small businesses will get working capital in the next 20 years.
Tim Berry
Why is entrepreneurship so important? Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of entrepreneurship as a force that is the primary driver of economic growth in any country, and whose greatest enemy is government policies.
Tim Berry
What's behind Colombia's economic progress? Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the country of Colombia is making great economic progress because they embraces entrepreneurship and free trade.
Mary Cantando
Are you loving up your customers? Mary Cantando joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of finding out what your customers love, how to find that information and how to use it
David Baron
How to launch and test a new product line. David Baron joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the steps he's taking to launch a new product in a way that allows for customer feedback before a major investment is made.
David Baron
He started with caps and evolved into futons. David Baron joins Jim Blasingame to catch up since his last visit on how he has handled significant changes that have faced his start-up, including losing a partner and changing products.
Marina Gorbis
Small is better in the 21st century. Marina Gorbis joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the 21st century reverses the "big is better" notion and now actually favors the small and nimble.
Todd Murphy
This company has thrived by committing to their niche. Todd Murphy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company survived the Great Recession and is growing by staying focused on their niche position and sticking to that focus.

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