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Category: Entrepreneurship

Kita Szpak
What are you doing for yourself? Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why it's important for small business owners to be dedicated to carve out time and space to simplify your life.
Kita Szpak
What's really important to you? Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the steps you can take to simplify your busy life, including determining the things that are most important to you and sticking to them.
Tim Berry
What does the business curriculum look like at your student's college? Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why you shouldn't presume that your child's business curriculum will teach the basic fundamentals of running a business.
Tim Berry
How is entrepreneurial education working? Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame with concerns about the state of entrepreneurial and business education these days and to offer suggestions.
Tim Berry
Business planning competitions have gone international. Tim Berry joins Jim Blasingame to report on his work as a judge for several college level business plan competitions and how they have become international events.
Eugene Griessman
Can you face a loss with humor? Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how athletic coaches and President Lincoln overcame professional losses by being able to find a humorous perspective.
Jason Silva
Jason Silva joins expert Jim Blasingame to talk about his National Geographic series BRAIN GAMES that uses demonstrations and exercises to show how our brain works and how it can be influenced, on The Small Business Advocate Show.
Jason Silva
How has the human brain progressed over millennia? Jason Silva joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his National Geographic series BRAIN GAMES that reveals how the human brain has progressed and has been influenced by time and activity.
Doug Barry
Constant learning leads to being innovative and successful exporting. Doug Barry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the traits of a successful exporter, including being a constant learner and converting what you learn into innovations.
Sarah Petty
Does Taylor Swift know something you don't know? Sarah Petty joins Jim Blasingame to report on how a trip to a Taylor Swift concert taught this small business owner something about creating connections and an experience for customers.

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