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Category: Entrepreneurship

Derek Lidow
Derek Lidow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three of the four entrepreneurial stages that a business goes through, including customer expectations and processes.
Derek Lidow
Derek Lidow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that there are different kinds of entrepreneurs, and that the greatest number of them are bedrock entrepreneurs, also, one of four kinds of entrepreneurial stages.
Geri Stengel
Geri Stengel joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent research that shows where women-owned businesses are concentrating, plus some of the challenges they face.
Geri Stengel
Geri Stengel joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact women-owned businesses have on the economy from sales to employment.
Geri Stengel
Geri Stengel joins Jim Blasingame to report on new research that shows women-owned businesses are growing at a faster pace than the general sector.
Martin Lanik
Martin Lanik joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how research has uncovered micro-behaviors in leadership, plus how to identify and habitualize keystone leadership behaviors.
Martin Lanik
Martin Lanik joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the results of research he conducted on the behaviors of leaders and whether you can make being a leader a habit.
Nick  Cioffi
Nick Cioffi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that every startup must listen to customers and stay focused on their prime business model.
Nick  Cioffi
Nick Cioffi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that there are many kinds of startups, from Silicon Valley to small town America, but all need to follow fundamental rules, like making sure the dogs will eat your dog food first.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what it looks like when a new trend or craze settles in and becomes a mainstream discipline.

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