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Category: Futuring, Demographics, Generations

Hayim Herring
Hayim Herring joins Jim Blasingame to propose two scenarios for how the generations will deal with each other going forward, either continued conflict or mutual mentoring.
Hayim Herring
Hayim Herring joins Jim Blasingame to propose that we are indeed experiencing an epidemic of loneliness, and not only because of technology.
Hayim Herring
Hayim Herring joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why the younger generations are quite different from the older ones, much more so than in the past.
Doug Griffiths
Doug Griffiths joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the expectations of Millennials is significantly different from even Gen X and of course, Baby Boomers, and how that will impact society this century.
Doug Griffiths
Doug Griffiths joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the values of Millennials are working out as they continue to take their place in our multi-generational society and marketplace.
Charles Wheelan
Charlie Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the fallacies of socialism’s claims about providing health care for all, especially with regard to responding with medicine to a national/global pandemic.
Charles Wheelan
Charlie Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the reasons to be concerned that the U.S. government, and the health care system, may not be able to respond to a major health risk outbreak.
Tim Irwin
Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current debate of socialism over capitalism, and to point out that everywhere socialism has been tried, it has failed.
Tiana Laurence
Tiana Laurence joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why in terms of chronology, where we are now with blockchain is the equivalent of 1994 or 1995 for the Internet. Don’t miss this timing.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to report on the potential positive impact that the older Baby Boomer generation and the immigrant population will contribute to a growing economy.

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