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Category: Government, Politics

Frank Lavin
Frank Lavin joins Jim Blasingame to report on how his company helps small businesses use the Internet to attract customers in China, and then fulfill the orders, including the option of staging inventory in-country.
Rana Shanawani
Rana Shanawani joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the new financial assistance from the government is front-loaded to help the smallest of businesses first.
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current frothy stock market, plus the inevitable inflation that may cause a reset as a result of the monetary practices of the Fed and the fiscal practices of the government.
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that America’s greatest threats include despot nations, like China and Russia, but perhaps even more so, our own Big Tech companies, but in some ways, we’ve become our own worst enemies.
Steve Forbes
Steve Forbes joins Jim Blasingame to report on the new reconciliation bill which greatly serves Democrat constituents while only slightly helping the people who’ve been harmed by the pandemic.
Eric Groves
Eric Groves joins Jim Blasingame to report on a recent Alignable survey of small businesses that show how the Democrat’s plan to raise minimum wage would hurt small businesses disproportionately.
Eric Groves
Eric Groves joins Jim Blasingame to report on two Alignable small business surveys that show many Main Street businesses are still struggling against the pandemic shutdowns, plus the PPP2 program isn’t helping as much either.
Dr Marilyn Singleton
Dr. Marilyn Singleton joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month by refuting the caustic and cynical idea of reparations, and discuss why such continued efforts only create more division among Americans of all backgrounds.
Dr Marilyn Singleton
Dr. Marilyn Singleton joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the World Health Organization continues to coordinate with China to provide controversial and unsubstantiated information about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.
James Bowers
Jamey Bowers joins Jim Blasingame to report on how incredible it is that an industry that was built on America’s 1st Amendment is now part of a regime to silence speech they disagree with.

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