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Category: Government, Politics

Leo Haviland
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the dangers of geo-politics on the U.S. election in 2020, and why Americans need to focus more on what we have in common against outside enemies, instead of fighting with each other.
Leo Haviland
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the many internal and external causes that the U.S. credit rating has been downgraded, including the national debt and pressure from the expensive pandemic response.
Leo Haviland
Leo Haviland joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the reasons that the great safe harbor of the world, the U.S. dollar, is currently being devalued by debt, divisiveness and other forces internal and external.
Robert Litan
Robert Litan joins Jim Blasingame to report on his ideas about what could happen if a coronavirus vaccine is found and its availability and acceptance becomes more political than medical.
Robert Litan
Robert Litan joins Jim Blasingame to report on what is required to achieve a “herd immunity” condition against the coronavirus, and the potential politics of a vaccine.
Robert Litan
Robert Litan joins Jim Blasingame to report that he believes the virtual convention is not only better than the old way, but will be the model of the future.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Regulatory Bill of Rights created by the Trump administration to help small businesses deal with future accidental reg breaches without being punished.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to report on the executive order President Trump made that created a transparency portal through which all new regulations must pass, to prevent them from being implemented under the radar.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to report on how small businesses benefited by the Trump administration reducing thousands of intrusive and onerous regulations that were established by the Obama administration.
David Stebenne
David Stebenne joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the future of the American middle class, and whether the small business sector will become the force that helps this group recover to past levels of prosperity.

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