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Category: Journalists

Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim discuss key points in the current Kiplinger Letter, including potential housing bubbles, new resources for finding and hiring qualified employees, the impact of big businesses defaulting on their defined benefits pension plans, as well as current legislation and prospects for passage.
Greg joins Jim live in Salt Lake City, Utah to talk about recent news events that he and his reporters are writing about. They also talk about the evolving news paper industry.
Don Lambro
Jim and Don discuss the big news that's going on in the Senate: a bill that will require a majority vote on judicial nominations.
Sitting in for Joan Pryde, Jerry and Jim discuss the general condition of the economy, and where Kiplinger things it's going. Among other topics, they also talk about the high price of petroleum, how it's impacting the economy, and whether an energy bill will be passed this year.
Rich Galen
Jim and Rich discuss the SBA's <br>Small Business Expo in Washington, D.C. They also talk about current political issues such as Social Security Reform and the new energy bill President Bush is pushing.</["br"]>
Rich Galen
Rich and Jim talk about some current political issues, such as progress in Iraq, the Bolton nomination as Ambassador to the U.N., and the ethics investigation of Congressman Tom Delay.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim discuss, among other things, the current state of energy prices and how long Kiplinger thinks we should expect high prices (the news is not good). They go on to discuss the economy, Sarbanes/Oxley and the difficulties of Tom Delay and John Bolton are having.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit talking about what Kiplinger has to say about the current state of the U.S. auto industry. They move on to discuss the IRS report on underreported income by small businesses, followed by a few words about the current state of partisanship in Washington. Other topics include travel to Canada and Mexico from the U.S., and progress in the debate over free trade.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit by talking about what Kiplinger has to say about how to hold down healthcare insurance costs. They move on to discuss key trends in the marketplace, including trade, China, and retail.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim talk about what Kiplinger has to say about the stock market in 2005, plus the regulatory environment for small business. They move on to discuss how states are cutting small businesses some slack regarding collecting sales tax, and then a little fun with politics.

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