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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the truth about why Secretary of Labor nominee, Pudzer was attacked without justification just to hurt the Trump administration, and why Acosta will be a good alternative, but not a better one.
Matthew Housiaux
Matthew Housiaux joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the accomplishments of President Trump during his rocky first month in office, which includes dismantling many of the Obama executive order.
Kenneth Davis
Kenneth Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the dangers of losing important American institutions, and whether the institution of the presidency is in jeopardy.
Kenneth Davis
Kenneth Davis joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the official designation for this holiday is in honor of America’s 1st president, George Washington, and the Presidents’ Day designation is unofficial, but now part of popular acceptance.
Anna Conrad
Anna Conrad joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why learning to delegate certain tasks is imperative for business growth.
Anna Conrad
Anna Conrad joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how small business owners can get out of manager and practitioner roles, and better lead their organization.
John Horvat II
John Horvat joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while delivering value was the key to success in business for generations, and continues to be important, today value has been preempted, not replaced, by the ability to demonstrate our values.
John Horvat II
John Horvat joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the reasons why after 10,000 years of business, trust is more important today than it has ever been.
Joshua Spodek
Joshua Spodek joins Jim Blasingame to reveal more key leadership disciplines, including serving others and creating new leaders.
Joshua Spodek
Joshua Spodek joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how he defines leadership, including the paradox of leadership as a way of serving others, and to advance the leadership discipline of introspection.

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