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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Rich Galen
Bill Brandt
Rich Galen and Bill Brandt join Jim Blasingame to discuss and debate the results of the New Hampshire primaries and how they impacted the candidates of both parties.
Eugene Griessman
Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how, with all of his challenges and inner demons, Lincoln had an abiding belief in himself.
Eugene Griessman
Gene Griessman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the source of Lincoln’s prayer to America that we seek the “better angels of our nature.”
Sydney  Finkelstein
Sydney Finkelstein joins Jim Blasingame to identify three more key traits of a Super Boss for small business CEOs to emulate, including high expectations, being a delegator and maintaining relationships.
Sydney  Finkelstein
Sydney Finkelstein joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how a small business CEO can become a Super Boss, with these three traits, including hiring talent, leading winners and letting them find their own lanes.
Bruce Piasecki
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to report on how corporations are focusing on social issues more, but will they really pay attention to humans, including employees, Main Street vendors and communities?
Bruce Piasecki
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to report on six areas of expertise that will define global corporations’ activity if capitalism is to become more relevant to all stakeholders, not just the short-term goals of investors.
Bruce Piasecki
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to report on how capitalism has been practiced and why it must morph from speculative to a form that considers all elements of the world around it, not just short-term profit.
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what he thinks has to be done to return the U.S. to the conditions and principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why the presidential election process has turned into something that looks like a reality television show.

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