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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Charles Wheelan
Charles Wheelan joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the ransomware cyber-hackers have changed their method of payment to crypto-currency, and why.
John Huber
Dr. John Huber joins Jim Blasingame to report on recent research that shows people can’t focus their brainpower completely on a project if they can see their smartphone.
Steve DelBianco
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to debate both sides of the issue concerning states collecting Internet sales tax from out of state small business sellers.
Steve DelBianco
Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to report on the lawsuit he won against Massachusetts on collecting remote – read: Internet – sales tax.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to discuss what looks like Amazon’s plans to accomplish their plans to deliver to our homes more things than ever.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to encourage small businesses to do business with Amazon and other large e-commerce firms, but to never trust them to do anything in your interest.
Pam Danziger
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, plus Wal-Mart’s acquisitions are setting these organizations to attempt to further dominate the e-commerce space.
Pete Killian
Pete Killian joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways small businesses can survive and sustain success in an Amazon-dominated retail sector.
Pete Killian
Pete Killian joins Jim Blasingame to explain why investors have allowed Amazon to divert earnings into expansion instead of profits, and how that permission is changing the retail sector.
Pete Killian
Pete Killian joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the realignment of the marketplace with the new aggressiveness of Amazon and the retreat by the legacy retailers.

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