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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the lessons small businesses can take away from the major outage at Delta Airlines with regard to being prepared for the inevitable.
Paul  Angles
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that one of the greatest mistakes businesses make is not following up when an online prospect makes contact.
Paul  Angles
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that your landing page and confirmation page have to do their job of converting a visitor into a paying customer, and how to avoid the common pitfalls.
Paul  Angles
Paul Angles joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the first of the four-part online marketing process is using paid search to advertise your offerings, and how to get that first step right by testing.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how some companies are capitalizing themselves with equity crowdfunding through investors who know there will likely be no secondary market.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to report on his recent work with eBay, and what the company is doing to recover relevance and redefine itself in the face of competition from Amazon.
Chad Moutray
Chad Moutray joins Jim Blasingame to report on global factors, like the Brexit vote, that will impact the fortunes of U.S. manufacturers for the next 12 months.
Stijn Hendrikse
Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to define artificial intelligence – AI – and explain the connection with big data.
Mike Daniels
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that as the digital age is creating the Internet of things, we have to wage a national cyber-defense simultaneous with a military defense.
Mike Daniels
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how vulnerable the U.S. is in the current cyber-war and offers the results of a report that shows what we have to do to defend ourselves.

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